Biological and Homeopathic Dentistry

Biological dentistry is not, in itself,  a specialty in dentistry, but rather an approach to dentistry which utilizes aspects of complementary or “alternative” therapy normally used in the field of homeopathy.

A Biological Dentist:

  • Will take into account the intricate inter-relationship between the teeth, the mouth and the body.
  • Will evaluate a patient not as a set of teeth but as a whole person.
  • Will by no means use any silver-mercury amalgams, and if he has to remove any, will follow strict precautionary guidelines.

Beyond these common points, biological dentists will approach a patient with different methods. Some are trained in acupuncture, some in surgeries, bone infections or joint diseases, some in homeopathy, some in hypnosis. Overall, biocompatibility issues are of prime concern to them.

Connection of Mouth and Body

Many times a bigger disease will manifest itself first in the mouth thus we can consider a disease of the teeth and the mouth in essence small-scale versions of other bodily ailments. Recently conducted studies indicate an undeniable relationship between bacteria involved in gum disease, and diabetes, coronary heart disease, and joint and kidney inflammation. Bacterial toxins from chronic bone infections or failed root canals, sometimes called “focal infections”, most of which remain unnoticed by the patient, have even more serious and debilitating health consequences.

Doctors in Germany and Switzerland now have established a detailed charts of the relationship of tooth and organ to be used as a guide for various practitioners.

Teeth and Emotions

The teeth as part of the mouth, which is part of the body essential to primitive survival instincts such as fighting, feeding, and facial expressions, are linked to deeply emotional centers in the brain. It has often been observed that dental treatment will trigger old memories and arouse hidden emotions.

It is undeniable that there will always be some displeasure in a visit to the dentist, yet today we have many ways to make dental treatment more acceptable. A calming surrounding, an understanding, open-minded dentist, with plenty of dialogue, herbal relaxants, aromatherapy, acupressure, Bach flower remedies, homeopathic remedies for anxiety, soothing music, distracting movies, hypnosis, acupuncture, all these elements contribute to a serene and positive frame of mind and an optimistic attitude. We have thus created conditions for faster healing, and a far better and more successful outcome in therapy.

Homeopathic Dentistry

Often a biological dentist will use homoeopathic remedies. Homeopathy has long been been used and it relies on the principle of “like curing like.” The remedies are usually applied in extremely high dilutions of a specific substance or a combination of several such substances. The dilutions ares so high that there are no physical molecules left in the solution. The active ingredient is  the energy “imprint” of that substance on a submolecular level. This will resonate through the body and create the healing effect.

A remedy can have differing depths of action, depending on the potency which equals the height of the dilution. It ranges from the biochemical or cellular level, down to the emotional and spiritual. In light of the heavy emotional aspects of dental diseases and their treatments, and considering the burden of heavy metal toxicity plaguing more and more people, homoeopathy could be a valuable method of supportive therapy.

In Germany, where homoeopathy is well integrated into and tolerated by mainstream medicine many of these modalities are used in dentistry to address anxiety, pain, sensitivity after fillings, infections and abscesses, gum disease, healing after surgeries, dental trauma, ulcers, and detoxification. The realization that we have now gentle methods of supportive therapy slowly spreads also in the US which is normally leading in new developments in medicine and technology.

2 thoughts on “Biological and Homeopathic Dentistry

  1. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I came across your website in my research on non-metal tooth implants, and

    wanted to know if you have an implantologist on your team. If yes, how many

    years of experience does s/he have imlanting zirconia tooth implants? What is

    the price range for this procedure? How long is the procedure?

    Thank you for your time and attention.



  2. Zirconia implants are just being approved in this country, therefore there is no track record. Presently we do not place implants. I will keep posting new developments. Thanks

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